Pokemon TPPC PC Cheatcode! Do you need anyCheat Code for Pokemon TPPC for PC? You can get all Pokemon TPPC PC Cheats and tips here. All the Cheat Codes works! Collect Your Cheat Codes from bellow.
- Pokemon TPPC Cheats Pokemon TPPC How to train your pokemons easily: - First of all you need 6 pokemons and put the pokemon you want to train 1st.
- Glitch - Defeating all ShinyBlisseys 1.
Pokemon TPPC
This page contains Pokemon TPPC cheats, hints, walkthroughs and more for PC. Right now we have 5 Cheats, 6 Walkthroughs and etc for this game and every day we increase our collection with new Pokemon TPPC cheats If you can not find the needed cheat in our list, check this page periodically or subscribe for this game's updates!
Just tipe in your password the pasword you want.
Password Effect
powerup1 - all yourpokemons are level 100
powerup3 - you have darkall pokemons you choose
powerup5 - unlimited cash
How to train your pokemons easily:
First of all you need 6 pokemons and put the pokemon you want totrain 1st. Go to
set moves and change all the of the pokemons move to haze cause itdoesn't do
anything and set your first pokemon with explosion and all therest haze then go
to trainer battle and verse yourself and use explosion cause itsays that it is
flamethrower and it is very powerful so if your opponent doesn'tuse explosion
Tpc Chattanooga Tn
first then it is a garanteed win Just remember to keep yourpokemon that is weak
than your first one or weak enough to deafet the pokemon inmaximum of 3 hits
Enter this Id number: 1113217 in the 'Trainer Battle'section.
150 pokemon:
To get a lvl. 150 pokemon, after you won at least 1 faction point,go to where
it saisteam stats. get the promo pokemon. It will be a lvl. 150! if you don't
Start with a squirtil battel brandonrobertscott use surf on hislv4 charmanda
Train your pokemon.put doublekick on all pokemon. Put chansey.Chansey training
gym, click on this.keep on winning.you get 300 team points and youwill keep on
Modify Your Profile
-Battle The
-Team Rocket
-Just BattleThe Weak Pokemons With Fix Roster Then Go To Team Stats
-Then Get A Team Boost Then Battle The Other Team
-Team Aqua
-Team Magma
-If You Battle The Higher LvL
-Like Your LvL 5 Attach With Team Boost Battle LvL 6
go to trainer battle and battle 482301 for example choose starteras squirtle
-use 1st move toxic
-choose the next pokemon it will die
-follow the same steps till 4 of your pokes die then choose yourstarter again
-you will gain 487000 exp and 97000 money and pokemon will be lvl78
1,000,000 Poke Dollars Per Time:
- Type In On Trainer Battle01
- Then Go Back To Trainer battle, Put In The Code, x4567x
- Then Go To Trainer Statistics, It Will Give You 1,000,000 PokeDolllars
Blissey - 101 = 656 hp--- DoubleKick 4 hits Crit - 24dmg
ShinyBlissey - 101 = 666 hp --- DoubleKick 4 hits Crit - 24dmg
DarkBlissey - 101 = 686 hp--- DoubleKick 4 hits Crit - 24dmg
Darks have more hp then shinys!
So next time you use secret swap use dark because there better!
1.put poke 1st on your roster
3.go to trainer battle and type in'403525'
5.use doublekcick
7.keep using steps 4(always the first move) 5 and 6 until all theblissys faint.
Cheat for Getting shiny pokemon
Change username As: ultimatepokemon1(no capital letters)
Change password as: iamsoshiny(no capital letters)
Lot ofexp:
1.put poke 1st on your roster
3.go to trainer battle and type in'403525'
5.use doublekcick
7.keep using steps 4(always the first move) 5 and 6 until all theblissys faint.
then u will get a lot of exp just follow the steps.
Go to set moves and change at least 2 pokemons to: double kick,toxic, and dig.
Go to trainer battle and type in 482301. First use toxic, (Alwaysattak 2 times
and then use dig) then use double kick, and finally dig. After theShiny Blissey
uses the automatic flamethrower, use double kick when the theyellow letters appear,
then use dig. Repeat again but dont use toxic anymore until nextBlissey come out.
Get easy reputation points:
First get the Team boost. Give it to your strongest Pokemon.battle a weako from a
different team. you get 300 each pokemon beaten. keep doing this.you get alot of
reputation points and exp. Eventually you get bonus points from yourfaction.
Beat baby tower:
If uve ever wondered howto beat baby tower and uve looked it upand it said use
Tpc Chattanooga
doublekick? Well thats wat u do but theres another thing changeall your six starter
pokemon to lvl 5s change 1 of there moves each to doublekick thengo to baby tower
keep using double kick and ull win. The prize is a random lvl 125baby pokemon!
Gain a lot of exp. points:
First of all if you want to gain high exp. points for yourstarter, go on 'Set Moves'
and set the moves 'Toxic' and 'Dig' for your starter. Then clickthe link 'Trainer
Battle'. Type in the box that comes up, 'Back to black' and when theresults come up
click the first one that says 'Back to black'. When the battlestarts DarkBlissey
will be the Pokemon you will have to battle. First use 'Toxic' onDarkBlissey twice
and then 'Dig'. Continously do this until DarkBlissey is KOed. Dothis technique to
the DarkBlisseys that come up after you defeat the first one.
Easy beat for baby tower:
All u need to do is go to any place (except mewtwos lair)and keepcatching pokemon.
once u have 6 lvl 5-6 pokemon goto set moves.make 1 half of ur team have the moves:
bite (type:dark)
phsycic (type:phsy)
and for the other half havethe same moves except replace phsicic with flamethrower.
make one of ur pokemon withflamethrower urstarter. then goto battle twer then click
baby tower. The pokemon u face will always be the same. u dont havto use my moves -
Budew - grass andpoison use anything but giga drain
Bonsly - rock use giga drain
Happiny - normal usedouble kick
Riolu - fite usephsycic
First get the Team boost. Give it to your strongest Pokemon.battle a weako from a
different team. you get 300 each pokemon beaten. keep doing this.you get alot of
reputation points and exp. Eventually you get bonus points fromyour faction.
How to boost your pokemon:
Level up your Pokémon to level 78 and gain $97000.
1. Choose any Pokémon as your starter.
I. Toxic
III. Doesn’t matter
3. Go to Trainer battle and battle the trainer-Rune Ristars Gym(482301)
5. Then attack with Hyperbeam 2 times.
7. Make your next 4 Pokémon faint.
8. When your next 4 Pokémon faint, by that time, Blissey will havebeen fainted by
the poison you gave it bytoxic at the beginning and you gain $97000 and your
If you want to keep in touch with Rune Ristars Gym (482301), makehim you friend by
going to TPPC Friends and search for his name there. Make him yourfriend.
Actually why you get this much money and Exp points is that whennormally you defeat
a Pokémon of a trainer, the Pokémon with which you made theopponent’s Pokémon faint
get Exp points and you get some money. The number of Experiencepoints and $ you get
depends on the level of the opponent’s Pokémon. Now Rune RistarsGym’s Blissey’s level
is 2500 and that’s why you gain so much Exp Points and $.Now canyou understand the
concept? If you repeat the steps above, your Pokémon will level upto Level 99.
How to get good pokemon:
Tpp Charts
The best way to get rare pokemon like dark shiny and normal go tothe pokemon swap
make sure u have a lot of money the best way to get money is tobattle this trainer
rune ristars gym and use the moves toxic then use doublekick thenuse dig then just
doublekick and after that use dig when the pokemon dies toxicdoublekick and then dig
on till all of the pokemon dies and u get a lot of money and a lotof exp to then get
shiny shorlax level 150 and get like 5 of them and then go to thesecret swap thats how
i got a lot of good pokemon and they are lv 150 just like yourpokemon u swap if u

How to get the 3 regi's, Shiny's and Dark pokemons:
For this 1, if it works for you, you have to put a thumbs up.First, get an Armaldo
and a Cradily, (From evolution of Anorith and Cradily I got 5anorith and a Cradily
if you want to borrow it go ahead my trainer number is 2961008)then, put your roster
and then, if you got all of those pokemon in the roster, go toHidden Cove and find
Regirock and Relicanth (First Regi got) and then put your ROSTERlike this
And then, go to Ice rift to find Regice. (Second Regi caught). Andthen, line up
Unkown E
Unkown I
Then, go to MagicMountains to find ShinyTreecko, Dark Treecko, Shiny Mudkip, Dark
Mudkip, Shiny Torchic, Dark Torchic and, Registeel.
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CheatBook is cheat code tracker with cheats, Tips, Tricks and hints for popular Games. | PC Cheat Codes | 102 Dalmatians - Puppies To The Rescue 18 Wheels Of Steel - American Long Haul 3rd World Farmer 4x4 Evolution 2 A Fairy Tale Action Doom 2 - Urban Brawl Adventure Quest Worlds AdventureX 3 Adventurer's Escape Age of Empires - The Rise of Rome Age of Empires 2 - The Conquerors Age of Empires 3 Agile Warrior Air Hockey Alex the Allegator 4 Alone in the Dark 3 Another World (2007) Armada Tanks Army Men - RTS Ascension to the Throne Ashton's Family Resort Avalancher Avatar - Legends of the Arena Backyard Baseball 2005 Bad Boys 2 Baldur's Gate 2 - Shadows of Amn Batman - Rise of Sin Tzu Batman - Vengeance Batman Forever Batman Vs. Joker Batman Vs. 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Funkeys UberSoldier Universe At War - Earth Assault Unreal - Tournament VW Beetle Tracks & Gaps Vanilla And Chocolate Vegeta Strikes Back 2 Viva Pinata Wanted - Weapons of Fate War Leaders - Clash of Nations Warfare 1917 Watchmen - The End Is Nigh Watchy Wizard 101 Wizardry Gold X-COM - UFO Defense Yahtzee Youda Farmer Zoo Empire Zoo Tycoon 2 Zwinky
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Download CheatBook 04/2009 - April 2009 |
CheatBook Issue April 2009 CheatBook is cheat code tracker with cheats, tips and hints for several popular PC and Console Action and Adventure Games. For the most part, the CheatBook Issues focuses on newer cheat releases. If you need help with the latest and greatest games, the monthly Issue´s of CheatBook should be a big help. CheatBook Issue's 2009. | Download - CheatsBook Issue April 2009 |