Must Be Ancestrally Related To Svn

> Hi All
> We are using 1.6 SVN.
> We have been syncing trunk to branch A and they are both synced up and
> ready for merge.
> We are trying to svn merge branch A to our trunk.
> But the branch was not created right in that it has a missing directory.
> eg.
> branch A has src directory
> src
> Trunk has src and install directories
> src
> install
> [root@host Trunk]# svn merge --reintegrate --dry-run
> svn: '' must be ancestrally
> related to ''
> How do we overcome this as src folder has quite a few large projects
> code base ?
> Using ignore-ancestry would ignore mergeinfo metadata and we're want
> to avoid duplicate code (from the trunk when merging from Trunk to
> Branch A) from the branch back to the Trunk.
> Mergeinfo property is only available at Trunk top level directory.
> Other mergeinfo properties at subdir levels had been removed before
> the trunk to branch A syncing began.
> Please advice with steps on a workaround we need.
> Any help is appreciated.
Must Be Ancestrally Related To SvnMust Be Ancestrally Related To SvnSvnRelatedAncestrally

Subversion will internally track metadata about the merge operation only if the two sources are ancestrally related—if the first source is an ancestor of the second or vice versa. This is guaranteed to be the case when using the third form. # svn switch ^/trunk Updated to revision 123. # ls file1 file2 v1 # svn merge -reintegrate ^/branches/v1 svn: E195016: ^/branches/v1@123 must be ancestrally related to ^/trunk/v1@123 これを解決するには、現在のディレクトリをコマンドに追加します(ドットに注意してください):. HelloCode for a new development effort was imported into a developer’s branch. Now we want merge his changes to trunk (which is currently empty). I tried the merge from both the command line and the Tortoise GUI and keep running into the “must be ancestrally related” message.I also tried the 'ignore ancestry' option via the GUI. Svn: 'svn://xxx/' must be ancestrally related to 'svn://xxx/' Merge completed abnormally. 在使用svn的merge过程中,遇到了N多的麻烦 这次遇到的麻烦的具体表现为: 在主干合并分支中的代码,报错 解决办法为: 假如需要合并的文件名为