Dvdfab Reading Writing Error Control

5.1 What do errors like “forrtl: severe (59): list-directed I/O syntax error, unit 5, file stdin” mean?

“forrtl” = fortran run-time library (so it is a fortran error)
“list-directed I/O syntax error” = there was an error while reading or writing (see below)
“unit 5″ = fortran unit (5 is typically used to read input data)
“stdin” = standard input (i.e. terminal input, or redirection)
Typical case: you are reading data from terminal or from file like this: “code <data-file'. Sometimes it is not easy to spot the error (see also answer 5.9 below) but input parsing errors are almost invariably due to an error or an unexpected character in the input. An exception might be the case of parallel execution, see Item 4.4 in this FAQ.

5.2 Why is my job crashing with “segmentation fault”?

ControlDvdfab Reading Writing Error Control

Unless you are using win98, in DVDFab settings, select SPTI instead of AUTO for I/O control on the same Read page where the error control options are located. If your optical drive is on an IDE.

Possible reasons: too much memory requested; executable or mathematical libraries compiled for a different hardware; some incompatibility between compiler and mathematical libraries; flaky hardware; bug in compiler or in mathematical libraries. The latter two are typically not reproducible on different architectures or compilers; code bugs may sometimes be elusive, but typically yield a more reproducible pattern of problems. Segmentation faults in tests and examples almost invariably point to a problem in the compiler or in the mathematical libraries or in their interactions.

  • Isn’t there something to download to fix the copywright problem, that is why the error/writing control screen is popping up isn’t it. I remember on my laptop I had this smiley face pop up before my dvdfab come on and it somehow helped. I can’t remember the site that I downloaded to get that free proram and I need it back desperatly.
  • Control PanelSystemHardwareDevice ManagerIDE ATA/ATAPI controllers. From there, right click on one of the channels and choose 'PropertiesAdvanced Settings'. All drives should be DMA mode. The 'Current Transfer Mode' for Hard drives is usually DMA 4-6 and DVD burners DMA 2-4, DVD ROMs usually DMA 2.

Mysterious, unpredictable, erratic errors in parallel execution are almost always coming from bugs in the compiler or/and in the MPI libraries and sometimes even from flaky hardware. Sorry, not our fault.

5.3 The code stops with a mysterious error in IOTK

Dvdfab reading writing error control codes

Dvdfab Reading Writing Error Control System

IOTK is a toolkit that reads/writes XML files. There are frequent reports (especially when compling with gfortran and MKL libraries) of mysterious errors with IOTK not finding some variable in the XML data file. If this error has no obvious explanation (e.g. the file is properly written and read, the searched variable is present, etc) and if it appears to be erratic or irreproducible (e.g. it occurs only with version X of compiler Y), it is almost certainly due to a compiler bug. Try to reduce optimization level, or use a different compiler. If you paid real money for your compiler, complain with the vendor.

5.4 The code stops with an “error in davcio”

Dvdfab Reading Writing Error Control Codes

davcio is a routine that reads from/writes to disk. The error number is what the I/O operation returns, so it means little more than “there was an error”. Possible reasons: disk is full; outdir is not writable for any reason; you run post-processing codes on a number of processors/pools that are not the same used to produce the pw.x data (and did not set variable wf_collect); you made a mess with your data files and directories; your data files are corrupted; you were running more than one instance of pw.x in the same temporary directory with the same file names.

5.5 Why is the code saying “Wrong atomic coordinates”?

Because they are: two or more atoms in the list of atoms have overlapping, or anyway too close, positions. Can’t you see why? look better (or use a molecular viewer like XCrySDen) and remember that the code checks periodic images as well.

5.6 The code stops with a “wrong charge” error

Typically, you are treating a metallic system as if it were insulating. Use a gaussian smearing.

5.7 The code stops with an “error in cdiaghg” or “in rdiaghg”

This is a tough case. It signals that the Hamiltonian, or the overlap matrix, calculated in the subspace of occupied + correction states (used in iterative diagonalization), is singular. This should however never happen, unless: 1) the atomic positions are seriously wrong (e.g. too close), or 2) the pseudopotentials are bad, or not so good. The latter case typically happens with Ultrasoft PP. When the error is erratic and irreproducible on other machines, it may be related to mathematical libraries of questionable accuracy. If you are out of ideas, try option “diagonalization=’cg’ “.

5.8 The code stops with an error in routine “scale_h”

Dvdfab Reading Writing Error Control

During a variable-cell structural optimization (“vc-relax”) you may get the following error:
Error in routine scale_h (1):
Not enough space allocated for radial FFT: try restarting with a larger cellfactor.

This is a consequence of a too small starting unit cell. If the cell expands too much, the number of plane waves and of G-vectors increases and may eventually exceed the length of arrays allocated at the beginning. Increase the value of optional variable “cell_factor”, or restart from a larger cell.

Dvdfab Reading Writing Error Controller

5.9 The code stops with _error reading namelist XXX_

Misspelled variable in namelist XXX, or properly-spelled variable set to an illegal value (e.g. an integer variable to a real value). Also: unexpected characters, such as DOS CR-LF characters, ‘curly’ quotes instead of ‘straight’ quotes, in the file, or comments introduced by “#” (only “!” is allowed inside namelists). Also: if the file ends with a namelist, sometimes you need a line break after the end-of-namelist '/' character. Note that if the input file is empty, you get an error while reading the first namelist (for pw.x, “&control”). For the parallel case, see items 4.3 and 4.4 of these FAQs.

Dvdfab Reading Writing Error Control Panel


5.10 The code does not find all expected symmetries

Please see the detailed explanations in the pw.x user guide