Allow Access Private Youtube Video

YouTube has emerged as one of the best source of creating your social presence and make money. There are even many people who just work for YouTube means they makes videos and upload at YouTube. It may be related to tech, food, automobile, software, comedy, music and more.
There are many publications which have many authors who create videos for a single channel. There are also many dedicated YouTube channels where number of people work. So, you may ever wondered how all of them upload videos at same channel. We all are pretty sure that no one is going to share his/her password as they might end up with losing account or even more. So, how they allow multiple users to upload videos at their channel? Well, there is a solution for that too.
Tip: Remove YouTube video uploading limit.
Many of the YouTube publishers do it as a full time work and earn living from it. As there is no middle man, the entire conversation takes place between the owner and Google. You are paid according to the number of views your videos get. But that’s not so easy to do, you need to be passionate and have a tight schedule as well. Some of the best tech YouTuber and publications are TTG Chanel, MKBHD, AustinEvans, SoldierKnowsbest, LinusTechTips, geekyranjit, unboxtherapy, Pocketnow, AndroidAuthority,, Fonearena, Phonearen, Gsmarena and many more. Since it is our tech blog, we recommend you all to pay a visit to their channels and we can say it surely that you will not be disheartened.

How to allow multiple users to access YouTube channel

Allow Access Private Youtube Video

Full Playlist: more How to Use Social Media videos: Log in to your YouTube account. If you have not already uploaded the video you want to make.

Login to your YouTube channel and hit on the drop-down arrow from the right-hand-top corner. Choose the Settings option.
Now, below username of your channel you will see “Advanced option”. Click on that.
Here, you will see a blue button which states connecting YouTube with Google plus Page. Tap on that.
A new window pops up which will have several Google Plus pages and an option to create a new if you don’t have any. Select the page which defines your channel. If there isn’t no such page, create one instantly.
If you do not see the Google+ pages by clicking the Connect with a Google + page button, you can get them by visiting the Link channel with Google+ link from the Setting page (without entering into the Advanced settings).
Now head over to the Google+ page, click Manage this page option and then select Managers tab.
Click on “Add Managers” option. This will allow you to add the managers’ email addresses or the Google Plus profile names.
Enter the email user id to whom you want to allow uploading videos to your YouTube channel.
As soon as the person accepts the invitation, he/she gets the capabilities to upload videos at your channel. All he/she needs to do is to click on Switch accounts options whenever they want to upload videos to your channel.
You can view with video guide so that you can understand it properly (you might also like to read how to embed YouTube videos with no sound).
You can allow as many people as you want to upload videos to your YouTube channel without even bothering to share your passwords with them. You can even allow them to upload content to more than one channel by following the same procedure. Did this guide come in handy? And if you are facing any difficulty with YouTube videos, do tell us as comments below.

How To Allow Video Access

You can upload a video on YouTube for the whole world to see, but sometimes you just want to share a video with a more limited audience due to privacy reasons. For this purpose, YouTube offers the “Private” video upload option.

The “Private” upload option comes with some restrictions. The private link can be only shared with up to 25 people using their email address, and they need to have a YouTube account to see the video. This is a private link for demonstration.

In this tutorial, we are going to show you how to upload a private video and also make an already published video, private.


Method #1: Upload a Private Video

To upload a private video, open YouTube and click on “Upload” located at the top right corner next to search bar.

You will see an option to upload a video using “Open” dialog or drag and drop the video right in the middle to upload. Below, you will see a drop down menu that should be set to “Public”. Click on it and from the menu select “Private”. Now, any video you will upload will be private.

Allow Access Private Youtube VideoYoutube

Just select any of the available methods to upload the video. Once uploaded, you will see a drop down menu on the left with status “Private”, and below it you will see a text field where you can add people with whom you would like to share the video.

You can add people from your Google+ circles or just add their email address to share the video. Remember, you are only allowed to share video with up to 25 people and once shared with a single email address, it cannot be reverted.

When your are done configuring, click on “Done” located at top left corner of the window and video will be shared.

Method #2: Make Published Videos Private


If you already uploaded a video in public status, then you can also make it private or vice versa. Click on main menu button located next to YouTube Logo (with three horizontal lines icon). From the menu, click on “My Channel” to access all your Channel settings.

Here, you will find an option of “Video Manager” located at top under the search bar, click on it. On the next page, you will see all your uploaded videos, click on the “Edit” button on the video of which you would like to change status.

All settings related to the video will open up, below the video you will see a drop down menu with “Public/Private” written on it. Just select the desired option from the drop down menu and click on “Save changes” at the top right corner to save it.


Allow Access Private Youtube Video Editing

There are total three stages where you can change the video status. Before the upload, after the upload and once the video is published. So even if you didn’t change the status at first stage, you still change it any other step.

If you have any questions or would like to add any further information, let us know in the comments.

Allow Video Access On Browser

Filed in . Read more about YouTube.